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Jaarverslag 2010:

Annual report 2010
The malawi.kom Foundation, founded in 2004, aims to improve health care in Malawi with a specific focus on surgical care in the District and Mission Hospitals.

In 2010 it was possible to extend its activities to the whole country.

As part of the tools & skills Project in 2010 two series of workshops in the Hospitals in Central Region and in North Malawi have been organised.

Treatment of burns by using the Sober Skingraft knife is still being encouraged, accompanied by distribution of this simple instrument.

Besides Malawi.kom has supported the development of a cheap and handy mesh device for expansion of skingrafts. Hopefully a prototype will be available before end 2011.  

Facilitation of the employment of surgeons on short term contracts in Blantyre especially for training of Malawian registrars, interns and 5th year medical students has been continued by supporting logistics, living and housing conditions. (Rotating Surgeons Trainings Program Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital Blantyre)

Promising contacts were made with urologic  and orthopedic specialists for urologic and orthopaedic training programs in future.

Tools and Skills 2010

Tools & skills

The basic principle of Tools & Skills is to teach and train basic surgical skills at district level, at the same time making available the necessary tools to be able to put the skills into practice.
Mid term evaluation (January 2010) of the workshops executed earlier in the South ( Sutures and suturing, Burns / skingrafting, pop-Bandaging Basic Trauma Life Support, Bonepinning- fracture treatment,  local anesthesia in Surgery) showed increased application of the taught techniques in the hospitals. The availability of basic instruments now, and training certain skills in the way it had been done during the workshops had stimulated the enthusiasm and motivation of the clinicians and nurses. The program of workshops in the hospitals in Central and Northern Region (Burns-Skingrafting-Physiotherapy,March and April 2010, Local Anesthesia in Surgery, September and October 2010, Basic Trauma Life Support, March and April 2011) has been made on the basis of these results.  

Burns-Skingrafting-Physiotherapy inMarch and April 2010
Purpose: improvement of the treatment of burns, including skingrafting and prevention of contractures. Introduction of a simple instrument for skingrafting, the Sober dermatome.
Accomplishment: 291 Participants in 11 Hospitals in Central Region and 232 participants in 8 Hospitals in Northern Region.

Local Anesthesia in Surgery in September and October 2010
Purpose: to train proper techniques of the application of in Malawi generally available local anesthetics and to stimulate its safe use in surgery. Distribution of job aids including an illustrated handbook on local anesthesia.
Accomplishment: 137 Participants in 6 Hospitals in the North and 274 participants in 14 Hospitals in Central Region.

The Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, a large Dutch trainings Hospital has supported the Tools & Skills Program in a indispensable way by providing manpower, knowledge and materials. 

Programma 2011
Datum Workshop Hospitals
March ‘11 Workshop Basic Trauma Life Support Hospitals Northern Region
April '11 Workshop Basic Trauma Life Support Hospitals Central Region
August '11 Evaluation visits Central
September '11 World Conference MALAWI.KOM � KG on TOOLS & SKILLS. Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, Netherlands
October '11 Follow Up visits Hospitals Southern Region


