The Malawi.Kom foundation was founded in 2006 by a number of surgical specialists and other health workers in the Kennemerland area in the Netherlands, with both an actual long standing experience of health care in Africa as well as sharing a motivation to address the poor level of health care in Malawi.
Malawi.Kom is a Dutch Foundation aiming to improve the health care in Malawi in general, with a more specific focus on the surgical care in the Central and District Hospitals of Malawi.
In close cooperation with CHAM (Christian Health Association of Malawi) and under the guidance of the Ministry of Health and its Zonal Health Offices, it seeks to help build up the human resources required and facilitate the acquisition of the necessary equipment and materials to improve the outcome of surgical disease.
Malawi.kom aims to improve health care in Malawi in general, with a more specific focus on surgical care in the Central and District Hospitals.
Its mission is to realize a situation in which health care facilities of acceptable level of quality, both in skills of staffs as well as equipment, will be available to every individual, with an emphasis on those living in rural areas.
It is set to undertake all possible actions which will relate and contribute towards the above.